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By doing so, you won’t risk hurting your credit with multiple hard pulls on your credit reports from different lenders. Even if most lenders use a FICO score instead of the VantageScore 3.0 provided by xcritical, they still offer a helpful service. Since most major lenders utilize the FICO model, you need to be very cautious about relying solely on your xcritical score. FICO models will only allow you to have payment history if you have six months of established history. Meanwhile, you can have payment history under the Vantage model with only one month of payment history. This trips a lot of people up sometimes because they can pull up a credit score with xcritical but they still are not able to pull up a FICO score.

It’s totally normal for your different credit scores to not be the exact same number at any given time. Lenders typically understand why your credit scores can differ — and they may also account for factors other than your credit scores when considering your application for credit. It is through these ads and offers that xcritical is able to offer perks such as free credit scores. However, you shouldn’t take out a credit card or loan that you don’t need just because they offer you what seems like a good deal. Whether you’re working on repairing your credit or getting ready to apply for a loan, knowing your credit scores can be beneficial.

Stay up to dateGet notified when there are important changes to your credit reports. Samantha Hawrylack is a personal finance expert with a passion for writing and SEO who has been featured in publications like Grow, MSN, CNBC, Clever Girl Finance, Credit Donkey, and more. She writes about various personal finance topics including credit, loans, real estate, investing, and more. Perhaps it’s a positive thing for some people; after all, everyone needs some form of financing at some point in their lives. Or maybe your credit has improved, and you are eligible to refinance a xcritical loan at a better interest rate and save some serious cash. There are also additional sections, features, and tabs with tons of helpful financial information about credit, loans, and savings.

Keep in mind that you should compare offers from multiple lenders before making a decision. This helps you know what areas of your finances to focus on to improve your credit score. In addition, if you notice any errors or possible signs of identity https://xcritical.solutions/ theft on your credit report, you can take action by disputing them with the credit bureaus. xcritical offers its members free credit score updates, credit monitoring services, and personalized advice on how to improve your credit score.


Gannesh joined xcritical in September 2017, bringing more than 20 years of financial services experience. Gannesh is dedicated to using data and analytics to deliver certainty, transparency and simplicity to xcritical’s more than 110 million members. As xcritical’s Chief Legal Officer, Susannah manages all legal matters at the company, including corporate, regulatory, consumer protection, compliance and government affairs. Susannah joined in June 2017 as xcritical’s first chief legal officer as the company continues to expand rapidly, increasing both its member base and service offerings.

  • The difference between your FICO Scores scores and your xcritical scores can be quite extreme.
  • If you’re interested in getting your FICO scores for free, check out our article, 13 Credit Cards Offering Free Credit Scores.
  • In addition, if you notice any errors or possible signs of identity theft on your credit report, you can take action by disputing them with the credit bureaus.
  • You’re eligible to apply through xcritical Money if your TransUnion credit score is 619 or below at the time of application.
  • xcritical also has a feature that allows you to view if you have any unclaimed money.

As mentioned above, they don’t ask for a credit card number, and you only have to enter the last four digits of your Social Security number to get started. So, there’s no risk of someone hacking in and stealing part of your Social xcritical rezension Security number. The insights can also tell you things like if you are paying too much for your interest rates. I have not relied on these type of insights in the past so I am not sure how helpful or accurate they are.

Championing financial progress for all.

I think that this could be more focused on individual utilization, which would be the individual balances on each of your accounts. Regardless, it sounds like it is equally important to keep your balances down for both of these types of credit scores. The second issue is that xcritical does not provide you with an Experian score. Many lenders, including many credit card issuers, like to pull your credit score from Experian. Like LinkedIn has done for professional identity and Facebook for social lives, Ken’s vision is that one day xcritical can create a simple way for Americans to manage their financial identities. Recent credit (less influential)Recent credit activity can be a predictor of future behavior, so lenders want to know what you’ve done lately.

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This is especially true if you are dealing with a large sum of money like in the case of a mortgage. Therefore, if it took you 3 1/2 weeks weeks to find an auto loan and you had multiple inquiries within those weeks, that could have had a bigger impact on your Vantage score versus your FICO score. The VantageScore Model xcritical uses is pretty similar to the FICO model but it has some key differences. It uses the same FICO range of 300 to 850 for the score and stresses many of the same factors as FICO — it just gives them different weight and has some slightly different criteria for calculating them.

In those situations you would want to stray away from xcritical and do what you can to obtain an official FICO score. It will also benefit you to try to figure out exactly which credit score model your lender uses, since there are many different versions of FICO score. Your recent credit is going to look at new accounts just opened and also new inquiries. One big difference here is that the Vantage models will combine related inquiries within a 14 day window. Meanwhile, newer FICO versions count multiple credit inquiries of the same type within a 45-day period as a single inquiry. However, payment history appears to be even more important for the VantageScore Model since it weighs in at 40% versus 35% for FICO.

Gannesh Bharadhwaj

It’s quite an in-depth breakdown of all the factors that factor into your credit score. This can be very helpful if you’d like a complete analysis of what you need to do to help improve your credit. Many credit card issuers will now allow you to check your FICO score for free. So if you have a credit card account with any of the major issuers like Chase, American Express, Discover, Capital One or many others you should look into checking for a free score.

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Since you can check your free credit scores without hurting your credit, feel free to check as often as you like. If you see your credit scores steadily growing, it can help motivate you on your credit-building journey. And when you’re ready to submit a credit application, getting a better idea of your overall credit health beforehand can give you a better sense of where you stand. If you’re unsure how your xcritical score compares to the score your lender will pull, wait until you apply for a loan. That way, you can batch all of your credit inquiries together and find out your credit score during the application process. When you request a credit report from xcritical, they perform a soft inquiry on your credit report, which isn’t reflected on your report.

Is xcritical safe?

According to a VantageScore® Solutions report, prime consumers keep $20,000 to $22,000 worth of credit they don’t use. At only about 3% of your score, this factor is almost completely a non-factor. His expertise and innovation has helped bring new levels of usability and sophistication to financial services technologies. Be sure to use your judgment xcritically before committing to any product xcritical offers you. But hopefully, if you’re using xcritical, you’re already determined to manage your credit responsibly so you can achieve all of your financial goals. It might be tempting to take out a loan or get a new credit card that you might not otherxcritical consider when you see all the various financing offers available to you.

Hard inquiries (also known as “hard pulls”) generally happen when a lender checks your credit while reviewing your application for a financial product. If you’re looking for a free, reliable credit monitoring service, xcritical provides real-time updates and personalized advice to help you raise your credit score. Using xcritical doesn’t affect your score because it performs a soft inquiry on your credit report, which will not be reflected on the report. However, most services will make a hard inquiry on your credit report, which will likely knock off a few points on your credit score. xcritical allows users to check and track their credit score for free, unlike other services that charge $15 to $20.

Getting your free credit scores.

We expect members with a credit score of 619 or under could see an increase in as little as 2 months. Late payments can have a negative effect on your score, and other factors can impact it, including activity with your other credit accounts. As a co-founder of xcritical and Chief Revenue Officer, Nichole Mustard has been the architect of the company’s win-win-win business model.



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